Think Board Featured in USA Today College

Hanson Grant with his product Think Board – a portable, clear adhesive that can turn any smooth surface into a dry erase board. (Courtesy of Hanson Grant)

The days of writing reminders on your hand, on Post-it notes or in your day planner are over. Think Board is here to change everything.

The brainchild of Hanson Grant, a junior at Babson College, Think Board is a clear adhesive that turns any smooth surface into a dry erase board.

“Everybody needs a Think Board and can use it in their own unique way,” Grant says. “It’s a product of your imagination and can be used on desks, walls, doors, or even overlaid onto a bar countertop!”

The idea came to Grant in March when he needed a place to write down a list of reminders and a space to organize his business ideas.

“I wanted an inexpensive dry erase board that would be rearrangeable around a dorm room, and also aesthetically pleasing – hence the clear aspect,” the 20-year-old says.

From the time Grant was 12 years old, he knew he wanted to be his own boss. Grant sold a variety of products ranging from iPod skins to gum in middle school, plus custom T-shirts in high school. So he’s no stranger to the entrepreneurial world.

“It’s almost like a game – some people like to figure out crossword puzzles,” he says. “I love figuring out ways I can bring a creative idea to market, while providing values for customers, investors and the environment.”

Now studying technology, entrepreneurship and design at Babson, Grant knew that if he wanted something similar to the whiteboard he was going to have to make it himself.

That dream became a reality on July 1 when Grant launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the project. After just 29 days, the campaign hit its goal of $10,000.

“We launched mainly to gain interest and ended up receiving far more interest and publicity than expected,” Grant says.

Think Board officially launched Aug. 1 and has since expanded beyond Grant’s expectations.

Companies such as Lockheed Martin and Cambridge Innovation Center, as well as Hanson’s own Babson College, have purchased bulk orders of Think Board. Meanwhile several middle schools have purchased Think Board to use on student desks.

“We have been very successful,” Grant says. “Since the launch of the Kickstarter we have sold over 1,300 Think Boards and are still receiving orders every day! Though Grant is currently studying abroad in India, he says the company has thrived under its new management: Grant’s older brother Garrison, a senior at Siena College.

“My favorite part about Think Board is how there are so many different ways to use it,” Garrison says. “When I think of Think Board I see a mother using it on her fridge as a grocery list. I see a CEO writing down reminders at his desk and a hockey coach drawing up plays in between periods on the locker room’s Think Board.”

To help keep the company under control and growing while Hanson studies abroad, the team has also hired two college reps to run operations and expand sales at their respective colleges.

“Learning how to keep a business operating and expanding from abroad has been a great challenge and personal growth opportunity,” Hanson says. “It requires late nights communicating with employees, 1 a.m. Skype calls with potential clients and a willingness to trust Garrison’s judgment with big decisions.”

Hanson said he plans to expand Think Board into more colleges, with customized Think Boards in every dorm room.

“Our mission is to give people a platform to express endless ideas,” Hanson said. “We want to give college students a place to get their ideas out and stay organized.”


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